Thursday 2 October 2014

By shoza night to baby

Le ngoma isenokwenzeka yaqala isithi:

I swore I’d love you babe,
I gave that to the sun,
The sun then threw me yonder
And yonder I became a man
And then, I grew through all that.

Akwaziwa ukuba yabangelwa yintoni ukuba ithi, (mhlawumbi yinto eseza kuchutshwa ngabanye abantu okwangoku yonwabela):

Bhay shoz' alav yu bheybhi
Thu bheybhi phuth' desan
Desana phuth' deyona
De yona phuth de men
De men phuth' de phude

Themba one, two, three, four
One, two, three, four

Gqum tshetshe
Gqum tshetshe


(NgeXhosa esixutywe nesiNgesi)
By shoza night to baby,
To baby put the sun,
The sana put the yona 
The yona put the man,
The man put the, put the

themba 1,2,3,4


(Ngelika Moshoeshoe lixutywe nelikaVitholiya)
By so by love to baby 
To baby to the sa 
The sea to the yona 
The yona to the meh 

The men phunde phunde 

1 comment:

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